Creamy and Crunchy Reeses Cups Spark National Peanut Butter Debate
Move over Left Twix and Right Twix, there’s a new pedantic candy debate in town, but this time there’s actually (gasp) a difference between the two contestants. Reese’s is aiming to settle the debate older than time itself: crunchy peanut butter versus creamy peanut butter. How are they doing this? By releasing both limited edition Reese’s Crunchy Peanut Butter Cups and limited edition Reese’s Creamy Peanut Butter Cups available from now until May 17 and letting us (the consumers and, therefore, experts on all things) decide once and for all who will win the bitter battle to see which nutty butter is better. (Betty Botter would be chuffed.) But I still have some questions. Namely:
What exactly are these Crunchy Reese’s cups and Creamy Reese’s cups doing differently from any other Reese’s cups? And which is, in fact, better?
Well, they seem to be exactly what they sound like. There is a smoother, creamier filling than in typical Reese’s in the Creamy Reese’s cups, and small chunks of peanuts in the filling of the Crunchy Reese’s cups. And while you might think you already know which one is best (*cough* creamy *cough*), Reese’s brand manager Chris Fenton encouraged consumers to question everything, saying, “While you might think you know your peanut butter preference, you need to try them both in a Reese’s cup—the best way to enjoy peanut butter” (via Food & Wine). And he’s not biased at all, so we gotta trust him on this one and go give these a try.
Another argument for giving these Reese’s a try? They are only around until May 17 because May 18 is “National I Love Reese’s Day,” and that is when the peanut butter cup-making giant will announce the winner. As for how they will determine this winner, you can cast your vote for Creamy or Crunchy Reese’s at As I am writing this, it Creamy is solidly in the lead in every state, so if that doesn’t align with your PB-related beliefs, I suggest you get out there and vote. Or, you know, just enjoy the fact that there’s at least one thing it seems the entire country can agree on.